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How to Prepare Your AC Unit for Summer


6 Ways to Prepare and Clean Your AC for Summer

Summer is quickly approaching, and it’s never too early to have your AC ready to keep up with the summer heat. Air conditioner units need to be maintained regularly in order to function properly and at their fullest potential.

A central air conditioner is useful for keeping your home cool by pushing out humidity and replacing it with cold air, which is perfect during warmer months. However, when you’re not utilizing your air conditioner, you may find that it doesn’t keep your home as cold or you may experience problems that you didn’t have before.

Here are ways you can prepare to have your air conditioning system up and running without a hitch in time for the summer heat!

1. Clean or Change Old Filters

One of the simplest ways to keep your unit in tip-top shape is to regularly clean reusable filters or replace old ones that have buildup. Filters get buildup over time and collect dust, dirt, pet dander, smoke, and more debris that circulates in the air throughout your home.

If you haven’t turned on your air conditioner in a while, your filter may need to be replaced depending on how long it’s been since you changed it.

2. Shut Off the Power

Safety first, right? As a safety precaution, before doing any mechanical work on your air conditioning unit to prepare it for use, you should always turn off the power to your condenser on your circuit breaker. Condensers are usually connected to a disconnect box nearby that contains a lever, fuses, or a circuit breaker in order to shut it off. Turn off the condenser on the disconnect box.

3. Clean the Condenser and Coils

Buildup in your condenser coils can restrict airflow and heat transfer when you turn on your air conditioner. Maybe you didn’t cover your AC unit this winter? It’s okay, most of us don’t, but the good news is that your condenser and coils can be cleaned and regain functionality.

Debris like grass clippings, leaves, dirt, grime, plants, and more can build up in your condenser. Clear away all debris and use a washcloth to clean the coils and remove pollen or mold if any developed. Once you’ve cleaned the outside of your condenser, you should open it and clean the inside of it as well.

4. Check the Coolant Lines

There are refrigerant tubes that extend from the evaporator on the air handler to your condenser. Usually, the lines are covered in a foam coolant that keeps the line insulated and helps it store energy.

If your coolant lines look damaged, or severely worn, or missing, you should replace them. You can use foam insulation sleeves to cover the lines.

5. Check the Ductwork

If one of your goals is to reduce your energy bill this summer, then you should check your ducts for leaks. Leaky ducts can cause your air conditioning unit to work harder and significantly reduce how much cold air your unit is actually putting out.

To find leaky ducts, look for disconnected joints and small holes in your ductwork. If you find a leak, you can use tape to seal it or a professional can seal it for you.

6. Contact an Expert AC Technician

The best way to know for sure that your AC is in tip-top condition for the summer is by hiring a professional technician to accurately diagnose and repair your unit if there are problems beyond your control. Our technicians at Centennial Plumbing, Heating & Electrical are available to help you with regular maintenance, repairs, and installations for new units. Call us today at (306) 500-7392 to schedule an appointment!
