Saskatoon Panel Upgrades
Our Electricians Won’t Give Up Until You’re Satisfied
In today’s society, we rely heavily upon our electronics. From our refrigerators to our cellphones and tablets, it is necessary that our homes are outfitted with properly functioning electrical systems that can adequately supply power to all of our devices. Your home’s electrical panel is responsible for regulating and dispersing the electricity that courses through your homes wiring. When there is a spike in the electrical current, a circuit breaker will trip to prevent overloading. Without a properly functioning electrical panel, you run the risk of fires and serious damage to your home and appliances.
Do you know how old your home’s electrical panel is? If you don’t, chances are you are due for an upgrade so that it can better handle your home’s electrical demands. At Centennial Plumbing, Heating & Electrical, our Saskatoon panel upgrade technicians recommend upgrading your electrical panel if it is more than 25 years old or you can’t remember the last time it was upgraded.
Preserve your safety and call (306) 500-7392 to get started.
Reasons to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel
Let’s take a moment to think back to what technology was like 25 years ago. Cell phones were large, bulky, and definitely couldn’t even be used to take selfies. Suffice to say, technology has come a long way with many advancements and new features since then. As technology improves, it tends to demand more electricity. Can your electrical panel keep up?
At Centennial Plumbing, Heating & Electrical, our electricians recommend considering an upgrade if:
- Your home is old: While retro homes have a certain charm to them, some modern adjustments are needed. Older homes tend to have obsolete electrical panels that have a difficult time supporting today’s electrical demands. If your home has a 60-amp electrical panel, it’s time to consider an upgrade.
- You are installing new appliances: Many kitchen and home comfort appliances today require quite a bit of power. The larger the appliance, such as a hot tub or a wide screen TV, the more electricity it demands and the more potential it has to trip a circuit breaker. For this reason, we recommend upgrading to an electrical panel that can withstand today’s modern appliances.
- You’re dealing with faulty wiring: Our Saskatoon panel upgrade technicians value the safety of our customers. One way we can increase your safety is by eliminating any faulty wiring in your home. As your home ages, wiring begins to deteriorate and fray. Sometimes, the protective rubber sheath becomes undone, leaving them exposed. Soon, you’re left with a nest of damaged wiring that can result in sparks or short cycling. This is extremely dangerous and, next to power surges, is one of the most common causes of electrical fires.
- You need to use more power strips and extension cords: Have you ever stopped to think about how many devices you have plugged into one power strip? Rather than relying on our outlets throughout our homes, we tend to prefer having our phones, laptops, tablets, and other devices all plugged in at one location. However, the more power strips you use in your home, the more you create an electrical demand. Before you know it, you might be requiring more electricity than your panel can handle. An upgrade can help prevent this from happening.
Put Your Trust in Our Professional Electricians
While there are many jobs that you can easily do yourself, handling anything with electricity is not one of them. One mistake could leave you, your family, and your property in serious danger. Fortunately, our Saskatoon panel upgrade technicians at Centennial Plumbing, Heating & Electrical are highly trained and have many years of experience. We will arrive with the proper tools and equipment to ensure superior craftsmanship.
We will always get the job done right. Call (306) 500-7392 or contact us online to schedule service.